AI generated Drawings from Photodynamic Art Generator (2022)

AI digital print, 30 in x 18 in

Photo Credit: Jessica Field

2500 drawings were generated in a year period.

Everything I make is biased to my lived experience. I create AI drawings to explore new configurations on what drawing about pure emotion can be about in relation to the greater concept of the human condition. My drawings act as material that is reinterpreted by an “other”, to compose hundreds of variations as a way of seeing greater possibilities outside the limits of my lived experience. This “other” remains anchored by my genuine inner emotional life exploring how feelings, unconscious memory and experience is embodied in the gesture of line, in how the exploration into the self can lead to visual expressions that are universally relatable and authentic to lived experience.

The objective of these drawings is to illustrate the complicated space in dealing with the human bias, ignorance, and still manage to connect and understand a divergent perspective. The objective in this work is to show how empathy and perspective taking bridges these gaps by putting the discussion into the space of universal human experience where we all can relate to each other.


Allegorical Map of Creativity (2022)


Gesture Drawing series (2019 - present)