Allegorical Map of Creativity (2022)

Ink drawing, 18 in x 24 in

Photo Credit: Jessica Field

This is an allegorical map of creativity that shows the different regions on how we can operate in creative ways. The northern region is about communication with work, it is a park to discover relationships in making work, the process of playing out creation itself, where the Artist forms the work and the work forms the Artist. The Western region is about emotions, a mountainous land showing an emotional landscape of feelings that climbs up to the intangible inner journey that all individuals experience as nature metaphors. The eastern region is about strategies, a fairground of individual ways we compete with each other to become a visionary. The locations are strategies to overcome procrastination and obstacles to go the distance to find success in discovering our own voice. The southern region is about social conventions, it is a cityscape of the creative community, where we go to discover how to be creative or to allow our creative acts to be seen by a larger public. In the map, there are 30 famous artists' works to be found.


Psychological State Map for Photodynamic Art Generator (2022)


AI generated Drawings from Photodynamic Art Generator (2022)